Controlling Program Execution

Once a breakpoint is reached and the program stops, you can control execution with commands on the Run menu. The following list shows the commands and their actions.




Resets execution to the first line of the program. It reloads the program into memory and discards the current values of all variables.

Stop Debugging

Terminates the debugging session and returns to a normal editing session.


Executes code from the current statement until a breakpoint or the end of the program is reached.


Selects a running process to debug.

Continue to Cursor

Executes the program as far as the line that currently has the cursor. This is equivalent to setting a temporary breakpoint at the cursor location.

Trace Into

Steps into a function when it is called and steps through all of the instructions in the function.

Step Over

Single-steps through instructions in the program. If this command is used when you reach a function call, the function is executed without stepping through the function instructions.


Halts the program and returns control to WinDbg.

Go Handled

Continues the execution of a program that has stopped at an exception, marking the exception as having been handled.

Go Unhandled

Continues the execution of a program that has stopped at an exception, without marking the exception has having been handled. The system attempts to locate an exception handler defined by the application.

Set Thread

Selects a thread to monitor with the debugger. This determines which thread receives debugger commands and is viewed by the display windows. Also freezes and thaws individual threads.

Set Process

Selects a process to monitor with the debugger. This determines which process receives debugger commands and is viewed by the display windows.

Source/Asm Mode

Toggles between source and assembly modes.